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Group playing Virtual Reality

WHat is VR?

Explore a new reality

Imagine being transported to another reality simply by putting on a headset.

You look around to see a reality that’s not physically there, but looks and feels like it is. You may be tempted to reach out and touch things that don’t actually exist.


That’s what virtual reality is like – and while the science behind VR is a lot more complicated, it’s extremely simple to use. 


Advanced computer systems, comfortable headsets, and handheld controllers are used to immerse you in a virtual world.

You may end up soaring around the globe, swimming with whales, or even fighting alien invaders with laser guns.

How many of your friends can say they’ve done that?

That’s what we thought.


The truth is, to fully understand what VR feels like, you have to try it. If you can experience it for the first time without saying “wow!”, we’ll give you ten bucks (not really, but we will be pretty surprised).

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